Using Device ApplicationsΒΆ

Using a device application allows for the separation of globally required data from exclusively control programs:

The global data that is used by all control applications of a device are managed in their own Device application object. They are compiled fully with this object and downloaded to the controller at the time of commissioning. The Device application does not include control programs developed by the user. Because of this, the exclusively control applications of the device are smaller and require less time to download. Reason: The global data does not have to be included at every download or online change. However, loading the global data requires more memory and download time as when using exclusively single applications. Reason: ALL referenced data and the entire code are downloaded to the controller with the device application because it is not clear what is used later or not.

Therefore, using a device application instead of single applications makes sense when

Organization in the device tree:

Control and behavior:

See also