Using Scripts to Access CODESYS Functionalities

All objects and command that CODESYS provides for scripting are also in the Python module “scriptengine”. Whenever a script is started, an implicit <code>from scriptengine import *</code> results. This allows for easy access to CODESYS. However, if your script imports modules that require access CODESYS APIs, then these modules have to import the module scriptengine themselves.

In the following table, you will find the main objects (categories) that can be used in Python scripts as entry points. For comprehensive documentation about entry points, refer to the API reference documentation for the CODESYS ScriptEngine.

Objects Description

Access to general CODESYS functionalities, such as:

  • Exiting CODESYS
  • Handling the general user interface
  • Access to the message memory (including compiler messages)
  • Control of delay and progress bars.

Access to the CODESYS project as an object tree that combines the three navigator views (devices, POUs, modules) in one project tree. Also allows for the loading, creating, saving, and closing of projects.

For most objects in a project, there are special methods with detailed functionality, for example compiling, access to ST POUs, export, import, device configuration, etc.


Access to online functionalities, such as:

  • Login to devices and applications
  • Management of access data (user name, password)
  • Performance of network scans
  • Gateway management
librarymanager Permits the management of library repositories and viewing, installation, and removal of libraries.
device_repository Handling of device repositories; import and export of device descriptions.
modulerepository Management of CODESYS Application Composer modules and CODESYS Application Composer repositories.

See the following specific sample scripts for ways to access CODESYS functionalities. For detailed information, refer to the API reference documentation for the CODESYS ScriptEngine.

See also

Example: Print output of the device tree of the current project

The script is an example for navigating in a project. It creates the output of a hierarchical display of all devices in the open project.

Load a project that contains some device objects and execute the script.


# encoding:utf-8
# We enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

# Prints out all devices in the currently open project.

print("--- Printing the devices of the project: ---")

# Define the printing function. This function starts with the
# so called "docstring" which is the recommended way to document
# functions in python.
def print_tree(treeobj, depth=0):
    """ Print a device and all its children

    treeobj -- the object to print
    depth -- The current depth within the tree (default 0).

    The argument 'depth' is used by recursive call and
    should not be supplied by the user.

    # if the current object is a device, we print the name and device identification.
    if treeobj.is_device:
        name = treeobj.get_name(False)
        deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification()
        print("{0}- {1} {2}".format("--"*depth, name, deviceid))

    # we recursively call the print_tree function for the child objects.
    for child in treeobj.get_children(False):
        print_tree(child, depth+1)

# We iterate over all top level objects and call the print_tree function for them.
for obj in projects.primary.get_children():

print("--- Script finished. ---")

The device tree (from the “Devices” view) is displayed in the message view and all non-device objects are left out:

Example: Reading variables

The script logs in to the device and starts the application if necessary. Then the value of the variable PLC_PRG.iVar1 is read and output. To try the script, you have to modify the project path and variable names.


# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

# close open project if necessary:
if projects.primary:

# opens project
proj ="D:\data\projects\Ampel.project")

# set "Ampel.project" to active application
app = proj.active_application
onlineapp = online.create_online_application(app)

# login to device
onlineapp.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

# set status of application to "run", if not in "run"
if not onlineapp.application_state ==

# wait 1 second

# read value of iVar1
value = onlineapp.read_value("PLC_PRG.iVar1")

# display value in message view or command line

# log out from device and close "Ampel.project"

In the extension of the script, the script loads variables and expressions from a recipe file and reads their current values from the controller. Then these values are written back to the same file. In addition, is uses the Python SMTP library to send an email with an attachment containing a list of all variables.

To use the script, you have to modify the paths, email address, and the name of the SMTP server to your environment.


# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

# Close current project if necessary and open "ScriptTest.project"
if not projects.primary == None:
project ="D:\\Data\\projects\\scriptTest.project")

# retrieve active application
application = project.active_application

# create online application
online_application = online.create_online_application(application)

# login to application.
online_application.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

# start PLC if necessary
if not online_application.application_state ==

# wait 2 seconds

# open recipe file to read values.
recipe_input_file = open("D:\\Data\\projects\\RecipeInput.txt", "r")

watch_expressions = []

for watch_expression in recipe_input_file:

print watch_expressions

# read values from the controllerd
watch_values = online_application.read_values(watch_expressions)

print watch_values

# open output file to write values
recipe_output_file = open("D:\\Data\\projects\\RecipeOutput.txt", "w")
for i in range(len(watch_expressions)):
    recipe_output_file.write(" = ")

# Close files

# send Email
# import respective libraries
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

#open output file
recipe_output_file = open("D:\\Data\\projects\\RecipeOutput.txt", "r")
mail = MIMEText(

#email address sender and recipient
fromm = ""
to = ""

# set sender and recipient
mail["Subject"] = "Attention value has changed"
mail["From"] = fromm
mail["To"] = to

# send email
smtp = smtplib.SMTP("name of smtp server")
smtp.sendmail(fromm, [to], mail.as_string())

# logout and close application

Example: Creating and editing POUs

The script creates the objects MyStruct, MyAlias, and MyUnion in the CODESYS project. The folder DataTypes already has to be present.

# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

    a : BOOL;
    b : BIT;
    c : BIT;

TYPE MyUnion :
    Zahl : INT;
    Prozent : MyAlias;
    Bits : MyStruct;

proj = projects.primary

folder = proj.find('DataTypes', recursive = True)[0]

# Create a struct DUT and insert the list of variables just into the right
# place in line two, row 0 (line numbering starts with line 0)
struktur = folder.create_dut('MyStruct') # DutType.Structure is the default
struktur.textual_declaration.insert(2, 0, STRUCT_CONTENT)

# Alias types get their "content" via the base type, which will just end up
# as one line in the declaration part:
# TYPE MyAlias : INT (0..100); END_TYPE
bereich = folder.create_dut('MyAlias', DutType.Alias, "INT (0..100)")

# Instead of injecting the variables into the existing declaration,
# one can also just replace the complete declaration part, including the
# boilerplate code.
union = folder.create_dut('MyUnion', DutType.Union)

Example: User interface / Interaction with the user

In some cases, scripts have to interact with the user. We provide some simple APIs for the most common interactions. The sample script shows all of the possible functions in this regard.


# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

"""Performs some tests on the messagestore and UI."""

print("Some Error, Warning and Information popups:")
system.ui.error("Fatal error: Everything is OK. :-)")
system.ui.warning("Your bank account is surprisingly low")"Just for your information: 42")

print("Now, we ask the user something.")
res = system.ui.prompt("Do you like this?", PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes);
print("The user selected '%s'" % res)

print("Now, the user can choose between custom options:")
res = system.ui.choose("Please choose:", ("First", 2, 7.5, "Something else"))
print("The user selected option '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a tuple

print("Now, the user can choose several options:")
res = system.ui.select_many("Please select one or more options", PromptChoice.OKCancel, PromptResult.OK, ("La Premiere", "The Second", "Das Dritte"))
print("The returned result is: '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a tuple

print("Now, the user can select files and directories")
res = system.ui.open_file_dialog("Choose multiple files:", filter="Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*", filter_index = 0, multiselect=True)
print("The user did choose: '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a tuple as multiselect is true.

res = system.ui.save_file_dialog("Choose a file to save:", filter="Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*", filter_index = 0)
print("The user did choose: '%s'" % res)

res = system.ui.browse_directory_dialog("Choose a directory", path="C:\\")
print("The user did choose: '%s'" % res)

print("Now we query a single line string")
res = system.ui.query_string("What's your name?")
print("Nice to meet you, dear %s." % res)

print("Now we query a multi line string")
res = system.ui.query_string("Please tell me a nice story about your life!", multi_line=True)
if (res):
    print("Huh, that has been a long text, at least %s characters!" % len(res))
    print("Hey, don't be lazy!")

print("Username and passwort prompts...")
res = system.ui.query_password("Please enter your favourite password!", cancellable=True)
if res:
    print("Huh, it's very careless to tell me your favourite password '%s'!" % res)
    print("Ok, if you don't want...")

res = system.ui.query_credentials("Now, for real...")
if res:
    print("Username '%s' and password '%s'" % res) # res is a 2-tuple

Example: Manipulation of the object Project information

In the script, we set some information in the Project information object. The most important information items, such as Title and Version, have explicit properties. However, you can read and write any other information fields by means of the dictionary syntax. For example, those that are recommended for the properties of a library project.

The example below may seem somewhat unrealistic, but similar code is used in build servers that create, test, and possibly release automatic library projects and other projects. The ScriptEngine is one of the key elements for creating CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Delivery) systems.


# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

proj = projects.load("D:\Some.library")

info = proj.get_project_info()

# Set some values = "Test Library Ltd"
info.title = "Script Test Project"
info.version = (0, 8, 15, 4711)
info.default_namespace = "testlibrary" = "Python von Scriptinger"

# some values recommended in the library toolchain
info.values["DefaultNamespace"] = "testlibrary"
info.values["Placeholder"] = "testlibrary"
info.values["DocFormat"] = "reStructuredText"

# now we set a custom / vendor specific value.
info.values["SpecialDeviceId"] = "PLC0815_4711"

# Enable generation of Accessor functions, so the IEC
# application can display the version in an info screen.

# And set the library to released
info.released = True;

See also

Example: Execution of external commands and importing of PLCOpenXML files

The sample script gets a PLCOpenXML file from an external program (in this case a SVN client) and imports it into a new created CODESYS project.

To use the script, you have to modify the paths to your environment.


# encoding:utf-8
# Imports a Device in PLCOpenXML from Subversion via command line svn client.

# We enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

import sys, os

# some variable definitions:
SVNEXE = r"C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svn.exe"
XMLURL = "file:///D:/testrepo/testfolder/TestExport.xml"
PROJECT = r"D:\test.project"

# clean up any open project:
if projects.primary:

# Fetch the plcopenxml data from subversion.
# We'll catch the output of the program into the xmldata variable.
# The 'with' construct automatically closes the open pipe for us.
with os.popen('"' + SVNEXE + '" cat ' + XMLURL, 'r') as pipe:
    xmldata =

# create a new project:
proj = projects.create(PROJECT)

# import the data into the project.
proj.import_xml(xmldata, False)

# and finally save. :-)

print("--- Script finished. ---")

Advanced example: Calling of a library from SVN and installing in CODESYS

The following sample script can perform the calling and installing of a library as part of a CT (Continuous Testing) environment so that they can be tested. In addition to standard-CODESYS, the add-on CODESYS SVN also has to be installed with a valid license.


import tempfile

if projects.primary:

tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
URL = "svn://localhost/testrepo/trunk/SvnTestLibrary/"

proj = svn.checkout(URL, tempdir, "testlibrary", as_library=True)

repo = librarymanager.repositories[0]
librarymanager.install_library(proj.path, repo, True)
