Tab ‘PLC Shell’

This tab of the generic device editor includes a text-based control monitor for querying specific information from the controller. You can specify device-dependent commands for this and receive the response from the controller in a result window.

3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH standard commands
Command with possible parameters Description
? List of available PLC shell commands with possible parameters and short description.
getcmdlist List of names of available PLC shell commands.
mem <memory address> [<size>]

Shows a hex dump of the defined memory range. The size parameter is optional and describes the number of bytes that should be output. Default value: 16.

Example: mem 16x0422139C 8

reflect Repeats the given command (for testing the connection)
applist Shows a list of all loaded applications that defines the order in the list, beginning with 0 (application index).
pid [<application name>|<application index>] * Shows the GUID (application index) of one or all loaded applications.
pinf [<application name>|<application index>] * Shows the contents of the following fields from the project information: title, version, author, and description. Requirement: The option Create POU for properties access automatically in the Project Information dialog is activated.
startprg [<application name>|<application index>] * Starts the given application, or all loaded applications if no application is given.
stopprg [<application name>|<application index>] * Stops the given application, or all loaded applications if no application is given.
resetprg [<application name>|<application index>] * Resets the given application, or all loaded applications if no application is given.
resetprgcold [<application name>|<application index>] * Executes a cold boot of the given application, or all loaded applications if no application is given.
reload[<application name>|<application index>] * Loads the boot application of the given application, or the boot projects of all loaded applications if no application is given.
getprgstat [<application name>|<application index>] * Shows the program status of the given application, or the program status of all loaded applications if no application is given.
plcload Shows the processor load of the controller (in percent).
rtsinfo Shows information about the runtime system, for example the processor and version of the runtime system.
channelinfo Provides information about the communication channel.
rtc-get Provides the universal time (UTC) via the DataTime string
rtc-set Sets the universal time (UTC) via the DataTime string (see ISO 8601)
listpcicards [<VendorID>] Provides a list of PCI adapters (all or by <VendorID>).
gettaskgroups Provides a list of all task groups, their tasks, and the CPU core binding.
cert-getapplist Shows all registered and used certificates (ID of the component and usage).
cert-genselfsigned [<number for search result by "cert-getapplist"> <expdays=>]

Generates self-signed certificates.

The validity period of the certificate can be specified by means of expdays=. The default is 365 days.

cert-gendhparams [length in bits]

Generates the parameters for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

Caution: This operation can last several minutes.

cert-getcertlist [<trust level>]

Lists all certificates of the specified trust level.

If a trust level is not given, then all certificates are listed.

Possible trust levels

  • untrusted: Untrustworthy certificates
  • trusted: Trustworthy certificates
  • own: Certificate of the controller
  • quarantine: Certificates whose trust level (trusted, untrusted) cannot be determined by validation. Therefore, incoming connections were denied.
cert-createcsr [<number for search result by "cert-getapplist">] Generates CSR files for all applications.
cert-import <trust level> <filename.cer> Imports the specified certificate.
cert-export <trust level> [<number for search result by "cert-getcertlist">] Exports the specified certificate.
cert-remove <trust level> <number for search result by "cert-getcertlist" or "all"> Removes the specified certificate
cpuload Shows the processor load of the CPU (for multicore, each processor core)
gettaskgroups Shows a list of defined task groups. The assigned tasks are shown for each task group.
getmulticoreinfo Shows whether or not multicore is supported and the number of available processor cores.

*: Application name: Name of the application in the device tree; application index: Results from the list of all applications on the controller that you can call with the applist command. Index 0 for the application in the list, and 1 for the second, and so on.

See also