Operator ‘BITADR’ΒΆ

The operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard.

BITADR yields the bit offset within a segment in a DWORD.


The offset depends on whether the “Byte addressing” option is selected or cleared in the target system settings.

The highest value nibble (4 bits) in this DWORD defines the memory range:

Marker M: 16#40000000

Input I: 16#80000000

Output Q: 16#C0000000


When using pointers to addresses, note that applying an online change can shift the contents of addresses.


ST implementation language:

    xVar AT %IX2.3 : BOOL;
    dwBitoffset : DWORD;

dwBitoffset := BITADR(xVar); (* If byte addressing = TRUE, result = 16#80000013; if byte addressing = FALSE, result =  16#80000023 *)