Dialog ‘Options’ - ‘SFC Editor’


Function: This dialog is used for configuring the settings for the SFC editor.

Call: Menu bar: Tools ‣ Options (SFC Editor category).

See also

Tab ‘Layout’


This defines the dimensions of the SFC elements: step, action, qualifier, property. The values are given in matrix units, where one matrix unit equals the font size that you set in the text editor options (text area / font). The settings are always active immediately in all open SFC editor views.

Step height

Possible values: 1-100

Step width

Possible values: 2-100

Action width

Possible values: 2-100

Qualifier width

Possible values: 2-100

Property width

Possible values: 2-100


The example text shows the current font. Click it to change the font.

Step Actions

Default insertion method

  • Copy reference: The reference to the action objects that call the step are also copied when the step is copied. The copied step and new step call the same action.

  • Duplicate implementation: The reference to the action objects that call the step are linked to this step. When copying the step element, new action objects are created for the new step, and the implementation is duplicated.

  • Always ask: When inserting a step action, you are always prompted whether the actions of a step element should be duplicated when it is copied, or whether the reference to the existing action should be applied.

    Note: If a step already contains an embedded action, then new inserted actions of this step are also embedded. Likewise, new inserted actions are not embedded when the step already contains a non-embedded action. In these cases, you are no longer prompted for a duplication mode.

Embedded Objects

Show action and transition objects in the navigator

: Action and transition objects that are embedded in the SFC box by a step are displayed in the Devices or POUs tree view.

Tab ‘View’

Property Visibility

List of element properties for the categories Common and Specific with definitions of the display options.


Defines the element properties displayed next to the element in the SFC diagram.


: Display of the property value.

With Name

: Display of the property value including name.


Show step time

: In online mode, CODESYS displays the step time to the right of the steps.