Continuous Function Chart (CFC)

The Continuous Function Chart (CFC) implementation language is a graphical programming language which extends the standard languages of IEC 61131-3.

You can graphically program a system by means of a POU in CFC. You insert elements and position them freely. You insert connections and wire the elements to a network so that a well-structured function block diagram is created. You can also insert feedback. You can read function block diagrams like an circuit diagram or a block diagram.

The execution order of a function block diagram is based on data flow. Moreover, a POU can process multiple data flows. Then the data flows do not have any common data. In the editor, multiple networks do not have any connections to each other.

On the other hand, POUs in FBD, LD, or IL have a network-based execution order.

The Continuous Function Chart (CFC) - page-oriented implementation language is also a graphical programming language which extends the standard languages of IEC 61131-3.

In this language, you can graphically program large, complex function block diagrams. The same elements and commands are available as for Continuous Function Chart (CFC). In addition, you can arrange the code on as many pages as you like. This allows you to create extensive function block diagrams that are still easy to print. Furthermore, each page has border areas. You can arrange inputs and sink connection marks on the left, and outputs and source connection marks on the right. This helps you to insert connecting lines and provides a better overview.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to switch a POU between the Continuous Function Chart (CFC) - page-oriented and Continuous Function Chart (CFC) implementation languages.

See also