LD Element ‘Coil’

Symbol:, in the editor

The element is available only in the LD editor.

A coil adopts the value supplied from the left and saves it in the boolean variable assigned to the coil. Its input can have the value TRUE (ON) or FALSE (OFF).

Several coils in a network can only be arranged in parallel.

In a negated coil the negated value of the incoming signal is stored in the boolean variable that is assigned to the coil.

Set coil, Reset coil

Symbol: , , in the editor: ,

Set coil: If the value TRUE arrives at a set coil, the coil retains the value TRUE. As long as the application is running, the value can no longer be overwritten here.

Reset coil: If the value TRUE arrives at a reset coil, the coil retains the value FALSE. As long as the application is running, the value can no longer be overwritten here.

You can define an inserted coil as a set or reset coil with the help of the command FBD/LD/IL ‣ Set/Reset or insert it as an element Set Coil and Reset Coil from the Tools view.

See also