The multicore operator is an extension of the IEC 61131-3 standard.

The operator can be used for implementing a semaphore, for example to guarantee exclusive access to a variable written to by different tasks.

TEST_AND_SET gets a type DWORD variable as its input. Write access to this variable must be possible. The variable is set to 1 and the previous value is returned as the result.

The operation is atomic, which means that it cannot be interrupted by another task. This also applies to multicore platforms.

For example, the call in the program is dwOldValue := TEST_AND_SET(dw);, in which the variables dwOldValue and dw must be of data type DWORD.


The following example shows a typical usage. Exclusive access to a type STRING variable, which is addressed via the pstrOutput pointer, should be implemented. The access to a string is not atomic. If multiple tasks write to the same string at the same time, then the contents may be inconsistent. With the TEST_AND_SET function, it is now possible to write the same STRING variable in different tasks.

FUNCTION ExclusiveStringWrite : BOOL
        strToWrite : STRING;
        pstrOutput : POINTER TO STRING;
        dwSynch : DWORD;
        dwOldValue: DWORD;

dwOldValue := TEST_AND_SET(dwSynch);  // Write the 1 and read the old value at the same time
IF dwOldValue = 0 THEN                          // 0 means: no other task is currently writing
   pstrOutput^ := strToWrite;         // Now you can write safely on the string
   dwSynch := 0;                        // The DWORD must be reset
   ExclusiveStringWrite := TRUE;          // Writing was successful
   ExclusiveStringWrite := FALSE;        // Writing was not successful

See also